Although gym websites alone are a great source of information for your customers, you may want to be on a more personal level with them as well. For those committed members and prospects you may want to consider using email marketing to keep them updated with new information and to promote new events at your gym. The use of email marketing will also add some other benefits to your gym.
Using an email marketing strategy can be very profitable and help in building and managing customer relationships. By keeping your customers updated on your gyms events you will enhance your customer relationships and encourage customer loyalty in hope of producing repeat business. When your customers are happy it builds a good name for your gym in turn producing more new members.
Email marketing can also be used to promote events to non-gym members. When sending an email to non-gym members you may consider finding their email off a prospect list or having all non-gym members fill out a form when they first visit. These emails might consist of special events at your gym or a new membership special. You could also offer a free day at the gym, everybody likes free.
Now that you have been briefed on the basics of email marketing give it a try for your gyms next special offer. You will be surprised how effective this method of marketing actually is. When your gym has its existing members returning and many new members joining I am sure you will turn into a firm believer of email marketing.
Imagine the satisfaction that you get when someone gives you a free item, it is like when your parents took you to get ice cream when you were a kid. Didn’t you want more ice cream after that too? This is why this method of promoting is so effective; it comes down to customer satisfaction. When your members are happy with your gym, they will want to come back for more.
As gym owners we may cringe when we hear the word free. But, if we are smart with what we are giving away this can be a huge benefit to us by using it as a promotional tool. Think about your logo floating around town by someone holding a water bottle or wearing your t-shirt. Not to mention the customer satisfaction having been given something free.
The way you want to go about this free giveaway begins with your website blog, Facebook or Twitter. What you will want to do is compose a post saying “come to the gym during this hour (Ex. 1-2 pm) and retrieve your free water bottle”, members only of course. The important part is to say “must mention where you saw the free water bottle giveaway.” By doing this you will generate more website activity and develop a good name for your gym.
You will have to spend some money on this free giveaway at first, but in the end you will be making money back. As mentioned earlier it is satisfying to receive something free, if your customers are happy because they received a free item they will want to continue doing business with you. Just remember, keep your customers wanting more “ice cream”.
By: Matt Meyers
It is the year 2011; the old ways of using newspaper and magazine ads to promote your gym business has ended. The use of social media is the new way to improve your gym business. Web groups such as Facebook and Twitter are booming and are not even close to reaching their peak. Although, using Facebook and Twitter are great promotional tools for your business they are not the only things to help improve your gym business.
As of July 2011 Facebook alone has over 750 Million users worldwide, while Twitter has over 200 million users. Imagine if you were to have your business ads posted and viewed by over 950 million people a day. By seeing these numbers it becomes clear why using your local newspaper ad to promote business is beginning to falter. The key to using Facebook and Twitter is to write something that is client friendly. This means to make sure you have useful information that people can comment on and generate feedback. Another great way to generate a fan base and is huge promotional tool is the creation and usage of a blog.
Blogging has become a great way for your website to create activity. How a blog works begins with how many entries are made. The more entries made equals the more words that searchable by a search engine, this is known as search engine optimization. This in turn creates more business for your web page and ultimitely your gym. Blogging is considered the closest thing to face to face business because it is so personal. By writing a good blog one can display emotions and feelings towards a business which essentially gives your gym a human face.
By using social media sites such as Word Press for blogging and Facebook combined with Twitter for business promotion you will be broadcasted over millions of future clients. If you are not computer savvy there are also companies such as SoVi Digital that can help to promote your gym business and have your web site on the top of the list in search engines. Insert yourself in the use of social media and watch your business boom.
By: Matt Meyers
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